Environnement & Foresterie
ICEF – Ingénieure Conseils en Environnement et Foresterie – since 2013 provides you with its expertise in management, forest certification and accreditation, auditing and consulting.
Since 2013
In addition to consulting, auditing in Environment and Forestry, ICEF is also a training organization approved as an FSC® Training Provider by Assurance Services International (ASI) since March 2, 2021.
The ICEF approval number is ASI-TP-005.
ICEF’s training program meets the requirements of the Forest Stewardship Council® (FSC®) : FSC-PRO-20-004.
All the courses offered are registered with the DIRRECTE Ile de France and are referenced under DataDock (registration number 11941035594).

Trainings are delivered in French or English

Accredited trainings
- FSC Auditing in relation to ISO 19011
- FSC Forest Management
- FSC Chain of Custody
- FSC Training of Trainers
- FSC Generic training
- FSC Trademark system and its Requirements

Other trainings
The non-accredited training courses are Datadocké and deal with several topics.
- Implementation of a Forest Management System that meets FSC® standards
- Implementation of a Forest Management System that meets the Standards Of Origine Légalité Bois (OLB®)
- Compliance with the requirements of the European Union Timber Regulation (EUTR) resulting from the FLEGT action plan and the implementation of due diligence and responsible sourcing policy “zero deforestation imported”.
- Turnkey service in 3 steps: 1 thematic training, 1 training of trainers so that your organization perpetuates and disseminates the achievements within your teams, 1 annual monitoring of the standards applicable to the contexts of organizations.

For whom?
ICEF training courses are dedicated to candidates seeking the FSC Forest Management (FM) or Chain of Custody (COC) auditor qualification but are also open to anyone involved in FSC certification.
The qualification criteria for FSC auditor candidates are those included in Annex 2 of the FSC-STD-20-001 V 4.0.
ICEF also offers courses to qualified auditors who wish to obtain a trainer qualification: TRAINING OF TRAINERS (FSC Training of Trainers).
These courses are also open to people who wish to gain knowledge about training engineering and communication methods for training skills.
Ingénieure Conseils en Environnement & Foresterie
Contact us
+33 6 73 78 30 02
5, rue de Castiglione - 75001 PARIS