Accredited training
Training FSC® Forest Management
The training program – Training FSC® Forest Management – is approved by Assurance Services International (ASI) as training provider according to Forest Stewardship Council®: FSC-PRO-20-004.
Training duration – FSC® Forest Management
The training is composed by 40 hours over two weeks (half day sessions only) for remote sessions including 3 hours of Generic FSC® training.
TOPICS – FSC® Forest Management
Chapters of the FM course are:
- Overview of general requirements for FM application
- The FSC Principles and Criteria
- National and interim national standards and the role of the international generic indicators
- FSC’s stakeholder consultation process and its application
- The FM certification process and certification decision making
- Group certification for forest management
- Certification of small and low-intensity managed forest
- Social requirements within certification
- Legal and customary rights of Indigenous peoples, as addressed in the UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples, national laws, and Indigenous laws
- Evaluation of high conservation values
- CW evaluation and certification
- FSC’s pesticides policy and is implementation
- Non-timber forest products
- Forest certification for ecosystem services
- FM certification report writing
To obtain the certificate of completion the participants shall participate for at least 95% of the time; successfully pass the ongoing evaluation; successfully passed the quizzes of the e-learnings and successfully passed the final exam (70% of correct answers).
Who can participate and Prerequisites
This training is dedicated to candidates for initial qualification as FSC® Forest Management. In such case the rules that apply are requirements from FSC-STD-20-001 V4.0 /Annex 2/Table 2
- Tertiary education (college or university qualification) in a relevant discipline (e.g. ecology, forestry, sociology, economics, anthropology) and five (5) years of professional experience in these disciplines;
- Successful completion certificate of an IRCA registered ISO management standard auditor course or an ISO 19011 course on auditing techniques as described in FSC-PRO-20-004.
This training is also accessible to personnel involves in FSC® Forest Management certification systems, or for companies seeking FSC FM certification.
In such case the candidates shall only the e-learnings set up for preparation of this training (mandatory for any trainee).
FSC® is not responsible for the content of any training offered by ICEF.
ACCREDITED TRAINING DATES SESSIONS FSC® auditing in relation to ISO 19011 Coming soon EN - France Forest Management FSC® 28th april to 5th may 2025 EN - Douala FSC® Chain of Custody 5th to 8th may 2025 EN - Douala Training of trainers FSC® Coming soon EN - France FSC® Trademark EN FSC® Core Labour Requirements EN- ES
Ingénieure Conseils en Environnement & Foresterie
Contact us
+33 6 73 78 30 02
5, rue de Castiglione - 75001 PARIS