Accredited training

Training FSC® Forest Management

The training program – Training FSC® Forest Management – is approved by Assurance Services International (ASI) as training provider according to Forest Stewardship Council®: FSC-PRO-20-004.


Training duration – FSC® Forest Management

The training is composed by 40 hours over two weeks (half day sessions only) for remote sessions including 3 hours of Generic FSC® training.

TOPICS – FSC® Forest Management

Chapters of the FM course are:

  1. Overview of general requirements for FM application
  2. The FSC Principles and Criteria
  3. National and interim national standards and the role of the international generic indicators
  4. FSC’s stakeholder consultation process and its application
  5. The FM certification process and certification decision making
  6. Group certification for forest management
  7. Certification of small and low-intensity managed forest
  8. Social requirements within certification
  9. Legal and customary rights of Indigenous peoples, as addressed in the UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples, national laws, and Indigenous laws
  10. Evaluation of high conservation values
  11. CW evaluation and certification
  12. FSC’s pesticides policy and is implementation
  13. Non-timber forest products
  14. Forest certification for ecosystem services
  15. FM certification report writing

To obtain the certificate of completion the participants shall participate for at least 95% of the time; successfully pass the ongoing evaluation; successfully passed the quizzes of the e-learnings and successfully passed the final exam (70% of correct answers).

Who can participate and Prerequisites

This training is dedicated to candidates for initial qualification as FSC® Forest Management. In such case the rules that apply are requirements from FSC-STD-20-001 V4.0 /Annex 2/Table 2

  • Tertiary education (college or university qualification) in a relevant discipline (e.g. ecology, forestry, sociology, economics, anthropology) and five (5) years of professional experience in these disciplines;
  • Successful completion certificate of an IRCA registered ISO management standard auditor course or an ISO 19011 course on auditing techniques as described in FSC-PRO-20-004.

This training is also accessible to personnel involves in FSC® Forest Management certification systems, or for companies seeking FSC FM certification.

In such case the candidates shall only the e-learnings set up for preparation of this training (mandatory for any trainee).

FSC® is not responsible for the content of any training offered by ICEF.




FSC® auditing in relation to ISO 19011

Coming soon

EN - France

Forest Management FSC®

28th april to 5th may 2025

EN - Douala

FSC® Chain of Custody

5th to 8th may 2025

EN - Douala

Training of trainers FSC®

Coming soon

EN - France

FSC® Trademark


FSC® Core Labour Requirements


Ingénieure Conseils en Environnement & Foresterie


Contact us

+33 6 73 78 30 02


5, rue de Castiglione - 75001 PARIS